Who Wrote That?

While you were lolling about this holiday season in your PJs, OpenAI launched a question-answering AI called ChatGPT that could be a game changer.

Is ChatGPT the next Google, or is it just another fad?

Chat GPT answers complex questions in a conversational, long-form manner. It gives answers that feel like they were written by a real human.

This technology is a bit like Google because it has an algorithm that’s trained to learn from each question we ask and start giving better and better answers.

More than one million users have already asked their questions to ChatGPT since November 30th, 2022. ChatGPT could eliminate the frustration that many customers express when engaging with AI on calls or messaging platforms, bringing business to you in an easier, less generic way. 

3 things you might love: 

  • Generate quick content creation for your social media 

  • Get inspiration for the writing jobs you dread 

  • Create long-form answers to complex questions your customers ask

3 things that could be bad: 

  • Could this AI replace human connection when we contact customer service? 

  • Responses from ChatGPT aren’t always accurate or even understandable!

  • What was written by a real human and what was generated by ChatGPT? 

I’m considering how ChatGPT could be a better version of the chatbots that some of us already use to interact with clients (we have one on Million Dollar Women Network). The short and simple responses that we’ve come to expect when we engage with AI might be on their way out, and replaced by language generators that can really hold a conversation

Just to see how it would answer, I asked ChatGPT for some breakup advice. Here’s what I got:

I asked ChatGPT the same thing a few days later, and got this response:

This conversation I used to experiment with ChatGPT made me think about what this AI says it can offer and what it really can. Of course it’s early days and ChatGPT will keep learning. Anyone remember the early days of the Internet with the dial up sound that went “bing-bing- bong?”

For how many answers ChatGPT has in store, it leaves us with many questions about the future of language generating AI. Be sure to keep your eye on this technology and how you can use it in your business. ChatGPT will fundamentally change how we read, generate content and choose which sources we trust. What could you use it for in your business right now?

Stay brave,


P.S. Want to learn more about ChatGPT? Here is of the best videos I found: How to use ChatGPT to build Business Ideas, Sites & Personal Projects


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